- Markets
- Healthcare Solutions
Healthcare Solutions
Millington Lockwood specializes in programming spaces for healthcare delivery that meet the functional, flexible, and aesthetic needs of your organization.
Healthcare Applications:
- Hospital Furniture
- Consultation rooms
- Medical exam room furniture
- Behavioral health furniture
- Children’s furniture
- Clinical support equipment
- Nurse stations
- Cafeterias
- Laboratories
- Lobbies
- Waiting and lounge areas
- Conference rooms
- Lecture halls
- Outdoor patio areas
- Staff office furniture
- Training rooms
A day in the life of the triage nurse- ...disinfect, wipe down, disinfect, repeat!!

Sometimes when I’m at work I feel like I’m in an alternate universe that people can’t even imagine. If you haven’t been there, you can’t even imagine that the stories are true. I’m not even talking about the crazy traumas or the kids with awful diagnoses- I’m talking about the mundane and ridiculous stuff – the stuff that lulls you, and then all of a sudden you go from laughing to getting hit in the face with a reality that catches you off guard!!!
We are constantly hearing about and thinking about germs, infection, bacteria, and viruses. We are trained on how to protect ourselves and how to “break the chain of infection” by using precautions. I love the concept, but I wonder if the people making policy think about the reality. In all honesty, a good portion of my day is spent thinking about germs and protecting myself and my patients from them. Masks and gloves are my true BFFs! On a typical day, working an 12-hour shift at triage, I check in about 60-80ish patients. To a non-nurse you might think “wow, that’s a lot of patients”! I think that too; but I also think “wow that’s a lot of germs!”
The triage nurse essentially sits in a cubical at a small 4x3 desk. There’s a computer, a phone and a lot of laminated signs on the walls and on the desk- about 3 feet away is a single chair. That chair holds every patient that I see all day. Sometimes it holds the patient; or maybe the patient and the family; or the patient and their pillow or blanket that they brought from home. Very sweet – but on winter-flu season days, that sweet picture of a beautiful child with their “blanky” is clouded by all the germs I envision on those personal items from home! (It’s the nature of the beast – work with germs, obsess about germs).
So each family comes up, tells their story, and moves on. Sometimes we spend a little more time if we have to work a little harder to figure out what is actually bringing them in , or if they don’t speak English or they have multiple children to triage. But for the most part, they are in my world for about 5 minutes. And then they move on. Next- I “hand sanitize” in before I use my stethoscope to listen to their lungs, and then when we are done, I sanitize my hands, my wrists, arms and my stethoscope. And then I sanitize the desk, the chair, the crevices of the chair, the arms of the chair, and anything that anyone may have touched!! It sounds like overkill, but wait…..
I was working at triage yesterday and a very active, very germy, very sick family came in. Not the kind of sick that should have been rushed right back to see a doctor, or even the kind of sick that should have been in the ER- but the kind of sick that if germs glowed… they would have lit up the room! They were doing an amazing job spreading those germs!! One of the kids was sticking his fingers in his mouth and then touching things; the baby was chewing on the desk and the little girl was coughing. While I was triaging all the kids, I was telling Mom how important it was to keep the baby healthy. She was laughing at me when I told her to keep washing all of their hands and surfaces to keep the baby healthy. I really believed everything I was saying as I sat with my mask on with a desk protecting me. …..and then all of a sudden, as everyone was crying and coughing, the little girl vomited! All over the desk, and the chair, and the blanket and the Mom. I didn’t see it coming! I was so laser focused on the little boy with his hands in his mouth and the baby chewing on the desk, that I missed the signs!! Mom just laughed and said – now what were you saying about germs?? Ahhhhhhh.….disinfect, wipe down, disinfect, repeat!!
What are you cleaning and disinfecting with?
We carry a full range of products and textile options that are all designed to withstand regular cleaning with disinfectants and Covid 19 approved cleaners.
- Engineered resin Material makes easy cleaning
- A durable, comfortable ancillary seating option for patient rooms
- Contoured cushions provide ergonomic comfort
- Convenient storage for mounting behind doors
- Comes Standard with removable seat cushions for easy cleaning and repair
- Poly under seat panel is standard
- 10 year warranty on folding chair and SmartRail
Families are available ….and productive sleepToo offers family members a space to work, be connected or even recharge while remaining in the patient room, not missing the opportunity to consult with staff or to help the patient.
- Promotes Health and safety to both patient and caregiver
- safeBrake provides exceptional stability by gripping the floor rather than merely stopping the casters the intelliTrac caster system helps guide the chair straight down a corridor to minimize strain
- Quick release seat option supports infection prevention efforts
- Centrally located foot pedals – access all co0ntrols from the front of the chair
- Patient transfers are made easier with the shortest transfer distance between the bed and the chair
- A full-length user-activated sleep position reclineAssist bar located neatly under the arm cap
- An ottoman with 30% larger surface area offers freedom of movement
- Wide, flat arm caps and healthful geometries all provide a higher level of patient comfort
- 25-year warranty
- Recline mechanism, transferarm, intelliTrac casters and safeBrake 10-year warranty
- Caster 3-year warranty
Procedure and Supply Carts - Just what you need, all within reach
Caregivers who have the tools they need to support their workflow can elevate the experience of care for everyone. Procedure and Supply Carts put supplies exactly where people need them, helping them work more efficiently. Need to switch things up? These mobile carts have easily interchangeable drawers, shelves, and accessories across the entire offering.